Mark Willmore - Head of Learning, Training and Employment

Mark has 15 years’ experience working as a Careers Adviser, Learning Coach and Strategic Manger working to increase opportunities for young people and women furthest away from the labour market. Mark believes everyone deserves an opportunity to unlock their potential. He still tries to play football for his local team and enjoys watching all sport!

Lisa Gardiner - Curriculum & Quality Manager

Lisa has worked in post 16 education for over 20 years. She has always specialised in literacy and numeracy skills development and previously acted as a consultant for Welsh Government in Basic Skills. Lisa enjoys baking cakes, walking her dogs and gardening

Gareth Hawkins - Contract Co-Ordinator

Gareth Hawkins - Contract Manager

Gareth has worked in post 16 education for over 10 years and has a background in teaching and youth work. In his spare time, Gareth enjoys hiking with his dogs and has a keen interest in DIY.

Dionne Llewellyn - Contract Adminstrator

Dionne has 4 years admin experience, and joined the Education at Llamau team after a successful Jobs Growth Wales placement. Dionne enjoys going to the cinema, shopping and has a love for animals.

Matt Perry - Involvement and Engagement Manager

Matt Parry - Involvement and Engagement Manager

Matt has been a qualified youth and community worker for over 30 years, and has worked in both the voluntary and statutory sectors.  Matt is passionate about creating opportunities for those he works with to thrive, and be the best version of themselves.  Outside of work, Matt enjoys travel, trips away in his campervan and all things Elvis!

James Bear – Learning, Training and Employment Administrator

James has eight years' experience in training and technical support, and has since earned a psychology degree, turning his passion for volunteering into a career. James is a book-reading gamer nerd who also enjoys getting out on long walks with his dog.