The support I am receiving from Llamau is helping me to feel so much happier, and to see a positive future for me and my children. Finally, I can see a happy and safe future for us.

*Names and images have been changed

I’d been in a relationship with my ex-partner for four and a half years, and we have two children together. The relationship was very abusive. Even after I made the decision to end things, my ex-partner and his mother continued to harass and threaten me at every opportunity. They were determined to break me down.

Shortly after the birth of my second child I was diagnosed with post-natal depression. A year on, my symptoms were not getting any better, and I was further diagnosed with anxiety, depression and psychotic symptoms. It was at this point that I realised the true extent of the abuse I had experienced, and the impact the relationship had had on my mental health.

I’d tried to end the relationship the previous year, but he just kept on at me to take him back, coming round to my house and promising me he’d change. I decided to give him another chance and we did briefly get back together, but the relationship was still very abusive and, all the time, my mental health was worsening. Finally, I made the decision to end it - this time for good. He still wouldn’t leave me and my children alone, he was subjecting me to public abuse, harassment and threats. The constant fear that I was living in of my ex-partner and his mother was unbearable. One time, his mother even came to my house to scream at me. I knew that this couldn’t go on and, for the sake of mine and my children’s safety, I made the decision to move into Llamau refuge.

Since moving into refuge, Llamau have helped me with a safety plan for keeping myself and my children safe, so that I know what to do if there are any incidents. Llamau have supported me to understand and manage my mental health. They’ve helped me to register with my local GP, and I am now taking medication for my mental health issues.

My support workers have provided me emotional support when I need it most, and are always available for a chat if I am feeling low. They’ve also helped me to register the children for schooling locally, and helped me with ending my previous tenancy and sorting out my benefits.

In the future, I hope to be in a safe and happy relationship with someone who can be a good role model for my children and who treats me with respect. Previously, I was training to become a hairdresser and had completed my Level 1. Once my children are in school full time, I hope to continue my training.

The support I am receiving from Llamau is helping me to feel so much happier, and to see a positive future for me and my children. Finally, I can see a happy and safe future for us.