Local Welsh artists Jon Pountney and Carl Bevan are fundraising in aid of Llamau, to help us continue providing vital support for homeless young people and women during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Photographer and artist Jon Pountney will auction his work, influenced by people, places and history, to raise funds for Llamau.

Artist Carl Bevan will hold a raffle of his own works via Facebook Live, raising funds for Llamau and Shelter Cymru.

The unprecedented circumstances surrounding the coronavirus outbreak in Wales has had a huge effect on Llamau’s ability to fundraise. The cancellation of community events like pub quizzes, concerts and coffee mornings will significantly affect our voluntary income this year. This loss of income, combined with additional costs to continue running our vital services, means that we are currently anticipating a shortfall of around £300,000.

Jon Pountney made the decision to auction some of his work in aid of Llamau, after learning about the financial impact Llamau is facing as a result of the pandemic. You can find out more about the auction, and view Jon’s fascinating work here.

Carl Bevan creates landscapes that convey movement and life with bold strokes and vivid colour, frequently depicting scenes from the beautiful Welsh countryside. Carl felt driven to help the people who have been hit hardest by the Coronovirus outbreak, in particular the people he sees regularly on the street, and made the decision to raffle his own works to raise funds for Llamau and Shelter Cymru. The raffle will be held via Facebook Live at 8pm on 4th April – with an added bonus for dog lovers of having the winning tickets drawn by Carl’s Cavapoo, Billy! Take a look at some of Carl’s beautiful paintings and get your raffle tickets here

We understand that this is an uncertain and worrying time for so many, and we are so grateful to both Jon and Carl for choosing to support us in this difficult time. 

Our number one priority is keeping all of our critical services going in spite of coronavirus. We are not closing any of our 24 hour projects or essential advice and crisis services for young people and women who are at risk of homelessness or domestic abuse. Not only is this a significant logistical challenge for us, but one which will inevitably also come at an additional cost. 

We are determined to put the people we support first and protect them, and we would be grateful for any support you can give which would help us to do this.

We have lots of suggestions for ways that you can support us. Such as taking on a physical challenge, organising an online raffle, or planning a fundraising event for a few months’ time. Any money you can raise will make a huge difference to the lives of thousands of young people, women, and families who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness.

Get in touch with us by emailing [email protected] for a fundraising pack full of hints, tips, and ideas on how you can help make a world without homelessness a reality.

Any help you can give during this difficult time would be so appreciated.