Whilst at Education for Llamau young people are able to explore and develop their future plans, through an informal reintroduction to learning. They can work on qualifications and develop the life skills they will need to access and sustain in future education or employment opportunities.

Agored Cymru

Learners can work towards Essential Skills Wales Qualifications in Communication, Application of number and Digital Literacy from Entry Level to Level 2 (equivalent skill level to GCSE grades A* - C) taught in a context that is meaningful to the learner – real life scenarios

We deliver a wide range of accredited Agored Cymru units including;

  • Health & Safety Awareness in the Workplace
  • Career Planning
  • Settling –in and Maintaining a Tenancy
  • Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • Money Management
  • Improving Own Confidence
  • Substance Misuse Awareness

Plus many more.