• I’m worried about raising the minimum sponsorship target, how do I hit it?

We ask everyone taking part in Sleep Out to aim to raise £150 each; we know that this can seem daunting, but we will give you plenty of support to smash your fundraising target!

When you sign up you will get fundraising pack and resources full of hints and tips on how you can smash your target, and we’ll be there to support you all the way! We will also send you information on how your fundraising will make a real and lasting change to the lives of the people supported by Llamau.

Your fundraising changes lives and we couldn’t continue providing our vital services without you!

  • What happens if I don’t hit the fundraising target?

Don’t worry, we won’t make you pay the difference yourself if you don’t hit your target, but we do ask that you consider how important your fundraising is to our work. 

The money you raise by taking part in Sleep Out is vital to ensuring that we can continue supporting some of the most vulnerable people in Wales to leave homelessness behind for good

  • Can I bring my sponsorship money on the night?

Yes, you can bring your sponsorship money on the night; please make sure you give it to a member of Llamau staff and get a receipt so that we know to attribute the donation to you and/or your team.

  • Leader board

Once you are registered we’ll invite you to open your fundraising page on Just Giving, where you can open an individual page or a team page. Your fundraising will automatically feed into a leader board, and we will be offering an amazing prize to the team who raises the most, and to the individual who raises the most! If you’re page isn’t connected to the Llamau Sleep Out your fundraising will not appear on the leader board, but we will know how much you’ve raised so you’ll still be in the running to win the prizes.




  • Why do you need to know if I have any existing medical conditions?

When you register we ask if you have an existing medical condition that would affect your ability to take part in the event. This is so that in the unlikely scenario that you need help from our onsite first aiders, we can make sure they know of any existing medical conditions you may have. The information you give us will be kept completely confidential, and is only shared with the first aiders at the event. 

  • Why do you need an emergency contact name and number?

In the very unlikely case that you will become ill or you want to go home but are unable to drive or use public transport, we will call your emergency contact so that they’re aware of how you are and can come and support you.

  • Are there any age limits to taking part?

You must be over 16 years old to take part in Sleep Out. There is no upper age limit.

Any 16 and 17 year olds taking part will need to be accompanied by an adult aged 21+ at a ratio of no more than 6 young people to 1 adult.

If you would like to take part in a Sleep Out with your children and family, we also organise a Sleep Over for children and young people aged 8-16 years old! Email [email protected] or visit our website to find out more.

  • If a team member is no longer able to participate, can someone else take their place?

Yes, if a member of your team is no longer able to make it you can get another friend or colleague to take their place! Just email [email protected] with the details of the change, including the emergency contact details, medical information, and date of birth of the new participant.

If this change needs to be made on the day of the event, you will be asked to complete a form at the registration desk to replace your team mate.



  • Are we sleeping on the pitch?

The event will take place in the away concourse of Cardiff City Stadium, and outside the concourse in a fenced off area of the carpark. You will not be able to go onto the pitch because City Stadium will be growing the grass ready for the season!

You will need to access the stadium via the Away carpark, opposite the Glamorgan Archives. You will not be allowed into the stadium via the main entrance.

    • What safety precautions do you take to make sure everyone sleeping outside kept are safe?

    We have professional first aiders at the event in case of any emergencies. The Sleep Zone is fenced and secure, and is patrolled by Llamau staff all night to ensure no unauthorised people can get in.

    Staff patrolling the sleep zone will check up on sleeping participants to make sure they are safe, and if you see or hear anything that concerns you please let us know as soon as possible.

    All Llamau staff are DBS checked, and have all received first aid training. If you feel unsafe on the night, or are worried about anyone, please come and tell us!

    • Will there be any shelter at Sleep Out?

    The Sleep Out will take place in the away concourse of Cardiff City Stadium, where there will be plenty of indoor space during the event itself, and a sheltered area in the outdoor sleep zone where participants will be able to set up their sleeping area.

    • Is the venue accessible for wheelchair users and people with additional access needs?

    Cardiff City Stadium is fully accessible, if you need more information on accessibility at the stadium please contact the Club's Disability Access Officer, Adam Gilliatt.  He can be contacted via email at [email protected], over the phone by calling 033 33 11 1927.

    The Sleep Out is an under the stars experience – you will not be able to bring tents to the event. If you feel you would need a tent to take part, please get in touch with us by emailing [email protected].

    • What do I need to bring?

    You will receive an essential kit list when you register to take part in the Sleep Out.

    You will need to bring a sleeping bag, ground sheet, bed roll, lots of layers of warm clothes, warm hat, gloves, thick socks, and waterproof clothing. If you arrive at Sleep Out without these, we’ll send you home to get them!

    You will not be able to bring a tent, air mattress, alcohol, stove, or music player to Sleep Out.

    • Is Sleep Out a realistic experience of street homeless?

    It would be impossible to replicate the experiences of people who are street homeless at this event, and we do not aim to replicate homelessness at Sleep Out.

    Sleep Out is a challenge event that raises vital funds to support Llamau’s work to end homelessness and change futures in Wales. Our mission is to eradicate homelessness in Wales, with our focus being on early intervention and prevention to ensure that nobody has to endure sleeping on the street. By taking part in the Sleep Out and raising funds for Llamau, you’re making it possible for us to continue our work to end homelessness and change futures for thousands of people in Wales.

    • What happens if the weather is bad?

    Sleep Out will go ahead in all weathers!

    We will only cancel the event if there is a severe weather warning in the week of the event, or if there in an incident in Cardiff City Centre that will make it unsafe for participants to travel to and from the event.

    • Can I bring my dog?

    Unfortunately, you won’t be able to bring your dog with you due to potential allergies that your fellow participants may have.

    • How well will I be able to sleep?

    Sleep Out is a lot of fun, but it is not easy. It will be cold, and it might be wet. Some of your fellow participants may find it difficult to sleep and will stay up chatting in the sleep zone, they may keep you awake. We will do our best to remind participants to be considerate of anyone trying to sleep.

    • What can I bring to make the Sleep Out more comfortable?

    We would recommend that you bring lots of layers of warm clothes, waterproof clothing, a sleeping bag, a ground sheet, a bed roll, any medications you may need, and cash for the food vendors.

    Please do not bring a tent, mattress, or alcohol to Sleep Out, and please do not play loud music while people are sleeping.

    • Can I leave early if needed?

    Of course, you’re free to leave whenever you like! Please let a member of Llamau staff know if you are leaving early so we can make sure that we update our details of who is in the venue in case of fire etc.

    • Is there parking?

    There is plenty of parking available in the Clos Parc Morgannwg carpark, on the Away side of Cardiff City Stadium. You will not be able enter the stadium via the main entrance, you will need to park in the Clos Parc Morgannwg carpark to enter the event.