EYH Cymru Campaign

Every year, more than 7,000 young people under the age of 25 in Wales ask for help with homelessness. This is in addition to the many more who don’t know where to turn or ask for help.

We believe that no young person should have to experience homelessness.

With your support, we can End Youth Homelessness in Wales for good.

End Youth Homelessness Cymru is funded by Sir Halley Stewart Trust, Esmee Fairbairn Foundation and Welsh Government. 

Our ambition is to end youth homelessness in Wales in the next ten years. It's a bold ambition and businesses across Wales can play a vital role in helping us to make youth homelessness a thing of the past. 

In partnership with Capital Law, we organised a conversation on homelessness, which brought together over 100 representatives from the business community in Cardiff to discuss how businesses could work together to end youth homelessness. 

Since then, a range of businesses have been identifying how businesses can support the campaign, including offering work placements for young people who have been homeless, providing specialist pro bono support to charities like Llamau or raising funds to support Llamau's projects for homeless young people. 

Businesses are part of our community, not aside from it. They're rammed full of able people who are able to get stuff done. The business community can play a vital role in ending youth homelessness in Wales, and I've been really encouraged by the response of the business community so far.

If you would like to find out more about how your business can get involved in the campaign, email [email protected] or contact the fundraising team on 029 2023 9585.