EYH Cymru Campaign

Every year, more than 7,000 young people under the age of 25 in Wales ask for help with homelessness. This is in addition to the many more who don’t know where to turn or ask for help.

We believe that no young person should have to experience homelessness.

With your support, we can End Youth Homelessness in Wales for good.

End Youth Homelessness Cymru is funded by Sir Halley Stewart Trust, Esmee Fairbairn Foundation and Welsh Government. 

LGBTQ+ young people are four times more likely to become homeless than their non-LGBTQ+ peers. 

Research conducted by End Youth Homelessness Cymru, Out On The Streets, highlights the often horrifying experiences of young LGBTQ+ people who experience homelessness.

In partnership with Cardiff Council, Newport City Council, RCT County Borough Council and Swansea Council, we have produced Cai's story to highlight the issues faced by young LGBTQ+ people who become homeless. 

Homelessness is challenging for anyone, but LGBTQ+ young people often have to cope with homophobic and transphobic violence and discrimination as well as everything else. 

Our research shows that they are at greater risk of psychological harm, are more likely to develop substance misuse problems and more likely to be exposed to sexual exploitation. 

Read The Research

Ending LGBTQ+ youth homelessness is everyone's business. You can support Llamau's campaign to show that Wales is a country that will no longer tolerate young people becoming homeless simply because they're LGBTQ+.

Sign the Petition

End Youth Homelessness Cymru is funded by Sir Halley Stewart Trust, Esmee Fairbairn Foundation and Welsh Government.