You or someone you live with has symptoms of Coronavirus

If you, or someone you live with, has symptoms of coronavirus, you will need to follow the Government's guidance on self-isolating. This means you will not be able to physically come into work and if you are feeling well will need to work from home, if possible. 

Guidance on Self Isolation Periods

Given the number of colleagues who are likely to be ill or self-isolating at this time, it is crucial that you tell your Line Manager as soon as you can that you are ill or having to self-isolate, or at the very latest by 9am the next day. 

Line Managers must report the illness or self-isolation to [email protected] immediately, stating whether the colleague is sick or self-isolating and whether the colleague is able to work from home, and what the anticipated return to work date is.

Shielding and Twelve Week Self-Isolation

We are aware that some colleagues will have been contacted by the Government to advise them to self-isolate for 12 weeks because of underlying health conditions which place them at a much higher risk of complications if they contract Coronavirus. 

We are also aware that some colleagues will have family members, with whom they live, who have been contacted to say that they must self-isolate for 12 weeks. Many of you have asked whether or not you should be self-isolating as well. Given that there is different advice from Public Health Wales, depending on whether you are physically caring for that person, each case will be looked at on an individual basis. 

If you are living with someone who has received a letter advising them to self-isolate for 12 weeks, you should let your line manager know so that a decision can be made about your particular case. 

Sickness Paperwork Required

Please find below sickness documentation requirements over the period of coronavirus;

  • 7 day self isolation - This would come under self certification so just a Return To Work to be completed by line manager
  • 10 day self isolation (and sick within that period) – an isolation note can be downloaded from NHS 111 website and this will suffice instead of a Doctor’s note. We would still need a Return To Work 
  • 10 day self isolation (but not sick within that period) - an isolation note can be downloaded from NHS 111 website and this will suffice instead of a Doctor’s note. Line manager to confirm colleague does not have symptoms at the end of the period and notify HR that they have returned. HR will need to know the number of shifts (day/night) missed for payroll.
  • 12 week isolation – we would need the Government letter or a GP note
  • Non-coronavirus sickness – self certification for the first week as normal practice, colleagues should be contacting their GP (virtually) and GP’s would have a way of issuing a sicknote over the 7 day period. Return to Work to be completed.
  • Non-coronavirus sickness but having to 7/14 day self isolate as well – follow the non-coronavirus sickness advice above for the non-coronavirus sick period and self isolation advice for anything additional.

We can accept scans/photos of the document instead of originals. However, if a line manager is holding the original, this needs to be sent in just so we can ensure they are being held appropriately under data protection legislation.

If there are any queries, please contact HR.