Support us Coronavirus: Our Response Supporting People with Coronavirus Symptoms - What to Do Someone living in Llamau supported accommodation has symptoms of Coronavirus If you think that someone living in a Llamau supported accommodation project has symptoms of coronavirus you will need to follow the Corona Virus Shared Accommodation Procedure which you can download below. You must also immediately inform your Line Manager and Head of Section that someone living in the Supported Accommodation Project has symptoms of Coronavirus. Instructions for Projects where someone has symptoms of coronavirus Someone being supported by Llamau but not living in supported accommodation has symptoms of Coronavirus If you are informed by someone you are supporting that they have symptoms of coronavirus, you must tell them that they, and anyone who lives with them must follow the Government's advice and self-isolate and that we will support them remotely to do so. This means that they cannot leave the house, not even to go to a shop. You must inform your Line Manager and Head of Section that someone we're supporting has symptoms of Coronavirus. Instructions for Supporting People with Symptoms of Coronavirus in the Community Manage Cookie Preferences