About us What personal data we have and how we use it We will have the following information: Your name Your contact details, including address, email address and phone number Your date of birth National Insurance number Details for an emergency contact or next of kin Equalities monitoring information Criminal record history Risk assessment completed by Llamau and other agencies Details of any children Information about your family Details of people who may be a risk to you Education, training and employment information – what you have done and what you would like to do Proof of identification Information around any support you need and the support we provide for you Financial details Your occupancy agreement and any house rules Any warnings or official notices you may have received Information related to your health Photographic images We will use the information we collect to: Support you safely and in the best way we can Monitor and report on your achievements Report to funders Plan and manage the organisation Research to improve the way we support people Safeguard you and others Provide case studies to be used externally (we will anonymise these or ask specific permission) Manage Cookie Preferences