I'm at risk of becoming homeless Expand If you are at risk of becoming homeless, your local authority has a duty under the Housing (Wales) Act to look into your situation and how they can help you. If you are threatened with homelessness within the next 56 days your local authority must take all reasonable steps to find you alternative accommodation. If you are worried about being given accommodation in a mixed-gender environment because of your previous experiences, you should explain this to your local authority. Your Local Authority Housing Team will look into your case and if you are in Cardiff or Newport, you may be referred to Llamau’s gender-specific services. In Cardiff, you should visit the Housing Options Centre on Hansen Street or call 029 2057 0750 or out of hours call 029 2087 3141. In Newport, you should visit the Information Station at Station Buildings, Queensway or call 01633 656656.
I don't have anywhere to live Expand If you are a woman, are homeless, in need of some support, and would feel unsafe in mixed-gender accommodation because of your previous experiences, you will need to contact your Local Authority. Your Local Authority Housing Team will look into your case and if you are in Cardiff or Newport, you may be referred to Llamau's gender-specific services. In Cardiff, you should visit the Housing Options Centre on Hansen Street or call 029 2057 0750 or out of hours call 029 2087 3141. In Newport, you should visit the Information Station at Station Buildings, Queensway or call 01633 656656.
I'm worried about 'Honour' Based Violence or Forced Marriage Expand 'Honour' Based Violence (HBV) is serious. It is based upon cultural/traditional perceptions of individuals bringing 'shame' or 'dishonour' to their family or wider community. Forced marriage is a form of HBV. If you are experiencing, or afraid that you are at risk of, Honour Based Violence or Forced Marriage, you should call the Forced Marriage Unit Helpline: From the UK call 020 7008 0151 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) From overseas call +44 (0)20 7008 0151 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) Out of office hours call 020 7007 1500 and ask for the Global Response Centre. For more information on Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage, you can also visit Live Fear Free.
I'm worried about Female Genital Mutilation Expand If you have experienced Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) or are worried about having FGM performed on you, there are people who can provide confidential help and support. You can call the NSPCC FGM Helpline on 0800 028 3550. Lines are free and are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also email [email protected] If you think you are in immediate danger of having FGM performed on you or being taken abroad to have FGM performed on you, you should call the police on 999.
I've been raped or sexually assaulted Expand If you have been raped or sexually assaulted you may want to consider getting medical help because of the risk of pregnancy and STIs. Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs) provide services to victims/survivors of rape or sexual assault, regardless of whether the victim/survivor chooses to report the offence to the police. SARCs are designed to be comfortable, providing private space for interviews and examinations, and some may also offer counselling services. SARCs have specialist Independent Sexual Violent Advocates (ISVAs) who are trained to help you make informed decisions about what you want to do next, and to support you through this. You can find your nearest SARC by calling the Live Fear Free Helpline on 0808 80 10 800 or emailing [email protected]
I don't feel safe in my relationship Expand If you (or someone you know) are in immediate danger, you should call the police on 999. If you have experienced or are experiencing domestic abuse or sexual violence in your relationship or at home, you should call the Live Fear Free Helpline on 0808 80 10 800. You can call the helpline for free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also email Live Fear Free on [email protected] or talk to someone confidentially using the Live Fear Free live chat service. Helpline staff will help you talk about your feelings, explore options, access local services, and to identify ways in which you can increase the safety of you and your children whether you would like to stay in, or end, your relationship. Information can also be provided on local services that can help to support and protect you as well as give you information on your rights and options. If you live in Caerphilly, Merthyr or Monmouthshire you can contact us directly about the support we provide in these areas. In Caerphilly contact us on 02920 860255. If you're in Merthyr contact us on 01443 414736. If you're in Monmouthshire contact us 01873 733590. If you're in Newport contact us on 01633 244 134.
Staying safe online Expand If you are worried about someone knowing you have visited this website, you should consider the following information. This information is for guidance only and may not completely cover your tracks. If you want to be completely sure of not being tracked online, the safest way would be to access the internet at a local library, an internet cafe, friend's house or at work. Internet browsers will save certain information as you surf the internet, including the websites you've visited and words you've entered into search engines. You can minimise the chances of someone finding out that you have visited this website by deleting cookies and browsing history. There is some risk involved in deleted data from your computer. For example, if your partner has saved a password for a particular website such as their bank, then if you clear the cookies on your PC, you partner may realise that you've done so because their password will no longer be saved. BT have published a useful article on how to delete your cookies and browsing history, based on which browser you are using.
Accessing Llamau's Domestic Abuse Services Expand Llamau offers a range of Domestic Abuse services, including domestic abuse refuges, floating support, and group sessions including the Freedom Programme. You can access our Domestic Abuse services in Caerphilly through our Safer Caerphilly Centre at Unit B, Wernddu Court, Van Road, Caerphilly, CF83 3SG or by calling 029 2086 0255. You can access our Domestic Abuse services in Monmouthshire through our Multi Agency Centre at 26a Monk Street, Abergavenny, NP7 5NP or by calling 01873 733590. You can access our Domestic Abuse services in Newport at 70 Stow Hill, Newport, NP20 4DW or by calling 01633 244 134. You can access our Domestic Abuse services in Merthyr Tydfil by calling 01443 414736. If you would like to access Domestic Abuse services in any other area, you should call the Live Fear Free helpline on 0808 80 10 800 and they will be able to refer you to the most relevant service for you.