Official Information on Universal Credit Changes

As the Coronavirus situation continues to develop, the government is making regular changes to the way in which new and existing Universal Credit claims will be processed. You can find the most up to date information here:

The DWP has also issued this guidance in relation to making new claims for Universal Credit.

The following Easy Read of the Welfare Benefits Rates for 2020-21 has also been produced. 

Welfare Benefits Rates 2020-21

Funding Essentials for People We Support

We know that many people we support will need financial assistance to help them access essentials during the Covid19 Pandemic. Unfortunately, we simply do not have enough funding to provide everyone we support with exactly what they need. We have therefore put this document together outlining the options for accessing funding, including approaching internal funding schemes, where no other funding is available. 

Funding Essentials for People We Support

Discretionary Assistance Fund for Wales

To provide more help for those individuals facing significant additional hardship due to the Coronavirus crisis, during the period 1 May 2020 to 30 September 2021, Welsh Government has asked DAF Service Centre personnel to apply greater flexibility and discretion with regard to the number and frequency of EAP payments that people may require. Find out more below.

Discretionary Assistance Fund for Wales 

Communicating with Companies about people's financial hardship

It is very possible that some people we support will be worried about their finances over the next few months as they may have lost jobs or have reduced hours which will make managing their money even more difficult. We have put some template letters together to help you contact companies to whom they usually make payments asking for their understanding and requesting payment holidays or reductions. 

Template Letter from Support Worker

Template Letter from Individual 

Protection for Tenants - Emergency Legislation

Please note that Welsh Government have confirmed that emergency legislation introduced by the UK Government to protect tenants and landlords affected by COVID-19 will apply in Wales. In summary, it means that:

  • Landlords will be unable to start possession proceedings to evict tenants for at least a three month period during the crisis and;
  • The three month mortgage payment holiday will be extended to Buy to Let mortgages to protect landlords.

More information can be found here: